We met Megan + Ryan at her sister Liz’s wedding and were thrilled when they asked us to shoot their engagement and wedding, too! We had a blast taking their engagement pics first in their neighborhood with their hyperactive and adorable dog, Ella, and next on the campus of Butler University where they both take graduate classes! We then hopped to downtown Indianapolis where Monument Circle was lit up for the holidays! Sweet! Family and friends can check out the rest in the client gallery. Many congrats, Megan + Ryan!
Absolutely beautiful! Such a photogenic couple…and pup! 😉 Great work, Erin & Mike!
Excellent use of light. I like the silhouettes!
the lighting on that last shot is pure epic-ness! love these!
Really loving the excellent use of lighting and depth-of-field! Photography with character…
Fun! I love the first image with the dog!!!
Amazing work you guys, love the silhouette shot, and the dog, of course!!
Great work. I like the silhouette one.
I love your silhouette shots but their dog…adorable!
last image takes it. so rad.
Whoa! black and white silhouette image .. so good!!
i mean seriously that last frame is amaze balls.
Awesome portraits. And super awesome hairy happy dog. Kinda love these.
Love the pup!! What a great e-session
Really good stuff! Love the silhouette shot!
The last shot is amazing. So good.
gah! you are amazing at capturing a scene. love the light in these ..the last shot is just perfect.
Silhouettes, epic skies, architecture, but most importantly, dogs. This blog post wins.
Silhouettes & the dog did it for me! great job brrooozzzaaa! 😀
Great job! Love the close-up with the sun and woods in the background.
That’s a good mix of shots, really love the last one!
Superb work, love the last shot especially! 🙂
love that last frame. so good.
That last shot – wow!
so good. mate. love these pics. .