Katie + Mike | Wedding | Bloomington, IN

Katie and Mike are sweet, fun, and very laid back. But they are also fiercely competitive fencers! We were excited to get to capture them in action (oh yeah, and to photograph their wedding, too). To all of their fencing pals, yes, we know we altered the animation a little bit so don’t critique their form (too much). We were thrilled to be a part of their wedding at Indiana University’s beautiful Beck Chapel and the Bloomington/Monroe Convention Center. Katie DIY’d the awesome flowers and they even found some beautiful bridesmaid dresses for 15 bucks! We don’t always do ring shots but Katie and Mike told us they enjoyed them and so we looked around the reception site for some elements that would suit them. So, you can imagine our excitement when we stumbled across tiny bar swords and an advertisement with the Indiana University Sample Gates! Family and friends can check out more picks in the client gallery. Congrats again to Katie and Mike!

spider on stained glassbride and groom getting ready at beck chapelbeck chapel ceremonybeck chapel stained glasscute hug after wedding ceremonyindiana university bridal party portriatsfunny wedding fencing photo animationsample gates wedding ring shotsweet moment of bride and groom kiss

hilarious photograph of bouquet toss at weddingfunny photos of dollar dance at weddingundefinedfunny wedding ring shot with tiny swords and fruit




Laura Reuter

Love them all! How will we ever choose! The one’s at sample gates are really nice and love the fencing blog.

sam hurd

first off… i’m not sure i’ve ever seen your logo before and i LOVE it. secondly… sword fighting?? epic. well done!

Carolyn Reuter

Katie and Mike they are beautiful. It was a wonderful and memorable day. One we will never forget. Hey, Now I have a grandson, if that’s okay with Mike


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