Alycia + Wes are engaged! They love running and biking and wine. So, we hopped on a trail that’s right beside their house. They were super nice and we’re very happy for them! All the best!

Alycia + Wes are engaged! They love running and biking and wine. So, we hopped on a trail that’s right beside their house. They were super nice and we’re very happy for them! All the best!
I love all of the camera play, digging those silhouettes!
That last shot should be huge on their wall!! Love these! 🙂
love this set! what a great variety of shots – more romantic, naturey shots and those creative, wide, urban compositions. really creative session… quite inspiring actually, makes me want to play around a little more in my next shoot haha 🙂 well done!
Super awesome session! Love that last frame.
Killer warehouse. Love that opening shot. Nicely done!
Lovely shots! I enjoy every picture. Nice lighting and style.
Great work and that final silhouette is killer!
Great work. I love the last shot.
Some awesome shots here! Love the first shot!