We met Corey and Alex while back in Virginia to photograph her brother Matt’s wedding where they were both huge hits in the photobooth. We all hit it off and we loved getting to spend some more time with them at their Cincinnati wedding. Both of them have a great sense of humor and are, quite obviously, the life of the party. Their families are also incredibly sweet and are doing great things in the world. It also helps that they are friends with some very talented folks who helped make this wedding quite spectacular. The wedding was planned by Sonja Smith, catered by Corey’s proud aunt, Karen Hitchcock, DJ’d by Tim Fritts, hair’d by Friends and Company, and flower’d by Jeffrey Green of H.J. Benken’s Greenhouse. The wedding was held at the chapel of Vineyard Community Church and the reception took place at their good friends’, the Benken’s, greenhouse.
Here are a few images from this exciting day for Corey and Alex. Friends and family can check out the rest of the photos and all the wackiness from the photobooth in the client gallery. Enjoy! And, if you like what you’re seeing, friend us on facebook, subscribe to the blog, or contact us!

Congrats Corey and Alex! If you can’t get enough, here’s a little slideshow with some more images from the day and music provided by the fantabulous Bloomington musician extraordinaire: Kevin MacDowell (aka Kid Kazooey). You can find more from him at his website. If you’d like, leave the happy couple some love in the comments below! Enjoy!
[iframe http://player.vimeo.com/video/21109554?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=fffff 840 473]
Wow – you did a great job of these, purple is definitely the colour for this year!! Love your lighting on the detail shots.
the reception shots and details are amazing!
Love the getting-ready shot with the little girl hanging out in front of the fan. Nice work!
Amazing work. I really love the confetti and dancing shots.
Oh my goodness, the confetti shots are amazing!
Terrific work, especially during the reception. So much fun!
Favorite shot : tie limbo. Thats amazing
Your detail shots are fantastic and I absolutely love the tender moment between the bride and her father.
You’ve captured heaps of personality in these photos!! Love the shot of the bridesmaid on the couch, so serene! And the dancing shots are great 🙂
Lovely wedding coverage! I really enjoyed all the moments you captured, especially on the dance floor 🙂
Such a fun wedding! Great job capturing their wedding. They’ll cherish these photos that’s for sure.
Your location shots are great. Confetti is such an awesome idea, great job capturing it.
I love the photos before the ceremony, of the little flower girl and the bride with her father. Sweet moments captured! Great job.
Your detail shots and action shots are stellar!! Wonderful work.
Absolutely the very best wedding photos I have ever seen! Well done!
Great set! I love the layout! Adorable couple! 🙂
love the one of them on the front porch steps – it’s like you just happened upon them sitting there enjoying the day and each other. Plus the purple and green of her outfit add a great pop of color