Stacey + Jake | Wedding | Bloomington, IN

It’s always nice to be at Deer Park Manor in Bloomington and it was especially nice to be there to document Stacey + Jake’s lovely autumn wedding. Stacey + Jake are track superstars who you might remember from their very fun engagement session on the Indiana University track where Jake is a coach. Their wedding was very beautiful and had tons of help from family friends. John Pfeffenburger played the ceremony music, Vickie Williams provided the catering, Rita Chambers, Jake’s grandmother, took care of the beautiful flowers, and Jake’s father helped officiate! Other family and friends contributed with great toasts, laughs, and very colorful beverages brought in jars which we were told were delicious fruit juices. To compliment energy received from the fruit juice, DJ Brett’s jams got people fired up on the dance floor. Family and friends can check out the rest from their wedding in the client gallery. We’re very happy for Stacey + Jake and wish them the very best!

Deer Park Manor Fall Wedding DetailsCute girl applying lipstick to brideAdorable kids at weddingDeer Park Manor Formal Wedding PhotosDeer Park Manor Wedding PhotographyGroom's first look down aisleFunny moments at Deer Park Manor Wedding in Bloomington, INDeer Park ManorColorful weddingsweet jump by kid at weddingcute kids at weddingfunny kilt at weddingfunny moments at wedding toastsweet dance moves at wedding receptiontired kids at weddingDeer Park Manor Wedding Reception dancingFunny garter toss at weddingDeer Park Manor Wedding PhotographyNighttime strobist wedding shot



There’s so much energy in these images. Excellent photography Mike and Erin! Stacey & Jake are sure to be thrilled with all of these memories.


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