Janelle + Chris | Engagement | Bloomington, IN

We were thrilled to shoot Janelle + Chris’ engagement session, because, like us, they are a tall and small! Janelle is a peppy vintage thrifter who runs a hip rental and design business, Re:Find Joy! Because she’s super into vintage accoutrements, we met up at A.Z. Vintage where we were all treated like royalty. Bloomingtoners should surely check it out. You might remember some of A.Z.’s awesome merch from this session before moving to her new location. Chris is an avid runner and spends many days on Bloomington’s B-Line trail. We love the B-Line and you’ve seen it here before, but, there’s always new nooks and crannies to explore. We’re delighted for these two and wish them all the best. Congrats Janelle + Chris!



The first three are fantabulous! Totally set up a great vibe for the rest of the images. LOVE their tall/small size difference 🙂

Heather K

First of all…. *squeal*!!! I adore seeing other short + tall couples.. I’m the super short one in my marriage. 😀 This set is gorgeous!! I adore that last shot especially. Wonderful work!


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