Ginny is now well on her way to becoming a regular on our blog, one of her lifelong dreams for sure! In addition to her family’s photo shoot, her mom gifted her with her own portrait session to get some updated headshots and then a fantastical, Labyrinth-inspired model shoot. While we love documentaries, we were thrilled to do a more stylized session and had a lot of fun with off-camera lighting! Ginny was charming and a natural model – doesn’t she look like she belongs in Vogue? Friends and family can see her whole set in the client gallery under portraits!

Looks great! You guys do a great job
Lovely lught and I particularly like the two leaning against the tree…lovely natural smiles!
great session. i love your b&w’s
These are AWESOME pictures. I love what you did with the lighting – makes for a really unique look.
I am lovin the images with the dress. Stunningly beautiful!
Incredible set of images guys!
She’s Stunning, 3rd from the bottom with that sun flare is A M A ZI NG!
I LOVE the lighting in all the shots in the woods. Really beautiful.
Love the first set! Her outfit is awesome and the styling is super simple and sophisticated.
Could you guys rock any harder? Probably not.
These are *beautiful*
Seriously loving these, especially the ones in the forest… beautiful work!
Nice, I love all the off camera lighting!
Love, love, love the first B&W image in the forest!
GORGEOUS WORK! 3rd from the bottom is beautiful!
Beautiful model and amazing photography. The shots in the forest are fantastic – great lighting!
Wow! Great images. That last one especially.
Those forest shots totally have that magical but edgy feel. Totally dig the two of her with the lighter trees behind her.
The lighting here is gorgeous- simply masterful. I adore the first black and white especially.